We give you movies, TV shows and anime for free. No account needed, we don't save your data except public data for analytics. You can not download anything from here, just stream. No offline version available, sorry. If you want these movies and shows offline, you have to download them yourself. We don't provide any links to download movies or shows.
Yeah, it is. We take copyright laws very seriously and only host licensed content on our website. We don't host any files on our servers, we just link to the media which is hosted on 3rd party services.
If you believe your content is being used on our website without your permission, please contact us and we will remove it as soon as possible. We don't want any trouble with the law.
Email: friday@disroot.org, please mail during office hours.
You can't. We are a random website on the internet. We although do have ads, so we make money of you watching movies. But we don't have any trackers or anything like that. We are just a simple website that gives you free movies, and you give us money by watching ads.